
News from Eastern Asia

2024-07-11T12:02:13+02:00July 11, 2024|China, East & Southeast Asia, HAEi News, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Asia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan|

From Regional Patient Advocate Lim Yong Hao The month of May holds special significance for the HAE community as hae day :-) is on 16 May. As a relatively new regional patient advocate (RPA), I was eager to see how to use this opportunity to bring the patient community closer and to raise awareness [...]

News from Eastern Asia

2024-05-03T10:06:36+02:00May 3, 2024|China, East & Southeast Asia, HAEi News, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Asia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan|

From Regional Patient Advocate Lim Yong Hao The new year is a natural juncture for reflecting on the year that has just ended and thinking about the prospects for the year ahead. I was very fortunate to end 2023 on a high note with an invitation to speak on patient advocacy at the LeadHAE [...]

News from China

2024-01-17T10:35:59+01:00January 17, 2024|China, East & Southeast Asia|

From HAE China In 2023, we promoted through official accounts and celebrities on multiple well-known social media platforms while organizing various offline activities to expand our organizational influence and continuously achieve good results. The organization currently has 267 members and has established volunteer service organizations in 25 provinces and cities in the Chinese Mainland. [...]

News from Eastern Asia

2023-11-10T12:44:12+01:00November 10, 2023|China, East & Southeast Asia, HAEi News, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Asia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan|

From Regional Patient Advocate Lim Yong Hao I began my official Regional Patient Advocate (RPA) journey in June of this year, taking on the responsibility of supporting the countries and Member Organizations in the Eastern Asia region, including China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, from Fiona. It was a daunting [...]

News from Asia Pacific

2023-06-16T10:11:08+02:00June 19, 2023|Australia, Australia/Oceania, Bangladesh, China, East & Southeast Asia, HAEi News, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Asia, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam|

From Chief Regional Patient Advocate Fiona Wardman The 2023 HAEi Regional Conference APAC in Bangkok, Thailand, was a success bringing together over 250 HAE patients, family members, physicians, and pharmaceutical companies to learn more about each other and HAE, to talk about advocacy, the importance of working together and the needs for the region. [...]

News from Asia Pacific

2022-07-06T15:54:38+02:00July 6, 2022|Australia, Australia/Oceania, China, East & Southeast Asia, HAEi News, Hong Kong, India, South Africa, South Asia, South Korea, Taiwan|

From Chief Regional Patient Advocate Fiona Wardman The last few months have been busy in the countries in the Asia Pacific region and South Africa. As the 2022 HAEi Global Leadership Workshop invitations have been sent out to the Member Organizations, there has been a lot of interest, and registrations have been completed. I’m [...]

News from Asia Pacific

2021-12-30T11:02:01+01:00December 30, 2021|Australia/Oceania, Bangladesh, China, East & Southeast Asia, HAEi News, Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Africa, South Asia, South Korea, Taiwan|

From Chief Regional Patient Advocate Fiona Wardman There have been a few focused tasks and projects in the Asia Pacific region over the most recent months, including the rolling out the new member only access courses in Advocacy Academy. During this period, I have attended virtual conferences and symposiums for the region, including the [...]

News from Asia Pacific

2021-10-06T09:40:59+02:00October 6, 2021|Australia, Australia/Oceania, China, East & Southeast Asia, HAEi News, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, South Asia, Sri Lanka|

Happy birthday to HAE Hong Kong! Congratulations to the team at HAE Hong Kong for their 2nd year of dedication to improving the quality of life for patients in Hong Kong. During the last few months, I have participated in meetings with various pharmaceutical companies to move forward access to modern therapies in the [...]

News from Asia Pacific

2021-07-05T14:49:26+02:00July 5, 2021|Australia, Australia/Oceania, Bangladesh, China, East & Southeast Asia, HAEi News, India, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, South Asia, South Korea|

Since the last magazine, there has been a focus on a few projects; a couple of these were the hae day :-) “Let’s Take the Next Steps” campaign and rolling out of the Regional Medical Advisory Panel project. All the member organizations within the Asia Pacific region had their history and plans for the [...]

10 year achievements – China

2021-10-11T13:29:34+02:00June 14, 2021|10 year achievements, China, East & Southeast Asia, Regions|

This input is dated May 2021 >> View content in 中文 In brief Name for organization: Swift Vascular Edema Care Center 160 members at 1 Jan 2021 Name of approved HAE treatments: Danazol Fun/interesting facts In China, people usually greet each other by asking, “Have you eaten yet?” instead [...]

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