
News from Hungary

2024-01-23T13:15:28+01:00January 23, 2024|Europe, Hungary|

From HAE Hungary The Hungarian HAE Patient Association held its yearly patient meeting on 22 November in an online form. Thanks to HAEi, who helped to set up the Zoom meeting for the invited patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and the representatives of the pharmaceutical companies. The meeting was advertised on the association’s homepage, on [...]

News from Central Eastern Europe, Benelux and Middle East

2023-11-10T12:35:04+01:00November 10, 2023|Armenia, Armenia, Bahrain, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Europe, Georgia, Georgia, HAEi News, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Middle East, Oman, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Syria, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Yemen|

From Regional Patient Advocate Michal Rutkowski Hello HAEi Friends! I truly hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing summertime spent with your loved ones. I am happy to catch up with you again and to share what happened over June, July, and August. It has been a very busy time dominated by the 2023 [...]

News from Central Eastern Europe, Benelux and Middle East

2023-06-16T08:48:21+02:00June 19, 2023|Armenia, Armenia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Europe, Georgia, HAEi News, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Middle East, Oman, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, The Netherlands, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates|

From Regional Patient Advocate Michal Rutkowski In this report, I will focus on the Middle East, as so much has been going on there in just a few months. Indeed, the last three months have been the busiest period since I was appointed Regional Patient Advocate (RPA) for this region. At the same time, [...]

News from Central Eastern Europe, Benelux and Middle East

2022-10-31T13:28:49+01:00October 31, 2022|Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, Egypt, Estonia, Europe, Georgia, HAEi News, Hungary, Iran, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Middle East, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, The Netherlands, Ukraine|

From Regional Patient Advocate Michal Rutkowski I am excited to share with you that after a long pandemic period, I had the pleasure of attending a patient meeting in person organized in Yerevan in June by HAE Armenia. It was so amazing to meet local patients, caregivers, and HAE expert physicians and to focus [...]

News from Central Eastern Europe, Benelux and Middle East

2022-07-06T15:51:59+02:00July 6, 2022|Belarus, Belgium, Egypt, Estonia, Europe, Georgia, HAEi News, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lithuania, Middle East, Oman, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, The Netherlands, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates|

From Regional Patient Advocate Michal Rutkowski I am excited to announce that the HAEi global family now comprises 95 Member Organizations. One of the most recent additions is HAE Oman, represented by Maryam Al Balushi. So, HAE Oman, welcome on board!  March, April, and May 2022 have been very busy with different advocacy activities. [...]

News from Central Eastern Europe, Benelux and Middle East

2022-05-24T09:44:46+02:00April 4, 2022|Armenia, Belarus, Egypt, Europe, Georgia, HAEi News, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Middle East, Oman, Poland, Russia, The Netherlands, Ukraine|

From Regional Patient Advocate Michal Rutkowski I hope you have had an enjoyable holiday season and went energized into the new year with advocacy motivation. So many things have happened since the last edition of Global Perspectives magazine, and I am happy to share it all with you.  I was privileged to attend numerous [...]

News from Central Eastern Europe, Benelux and Middle East

2021-12-30T11:02:02+01:00December 30, 2021|Belarus, Central Asia, Egypt, Europe, Georgia, HAEi News, Hungary, Iraq, Jordan, Kasakhstan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lithuania, Middle East, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, The Netherlands, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates|

From Regional Patient Advocate Michal Rutkowski Despite the difficult global pandemic situation, I hope you are keeping safe, healthy and have been already vaccinated. Firstly, happy birthday to HAE Belarus and HAE Kazakhstan, who recently celebrated the 4th and 3rd anniversaries. The organizations and patients strive to have the first modern HAE treatment reimbursed, [...]

News from Central Eastern Europe, Benelux and Middle East

2021-10-12T11:33:18+02:00October 6, 2021|Belarus, Central Asia, Europe, Georgia, HAEi News, Hungary, Kasakhstan, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, Russia, The Netherlands, Ukraine|

I am so happy to catch up with you again and share what happened over June, July, and August. It has been a hectic period, full of advocacy activities and crucial successes. First, I would like to share with you some wonderful news about the situation of HAE patients in my home country, Poland. [...]

10 year achievements – Hungary

2021-10-11T13:29:33+02:00July 7, 2021|10 year achievements, Europe, Hungary, Regions|

This input is dated May 2021 >> View content in magyar In brief Name for organization: Association of Hungarian Angioedema Patients 46 members at 1 Jan 2021 Name of approved HAE treatments: Berinert C1-INH Firazyr Ruconest Fun/interesting facts There are 16 Nobel Laureates with Hungarian origin, however only [...]

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