
News from South Eastern Europe

2024-12-23T10:37:14+01:00December 23, 2024|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey|

News from South Eastern Europe From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska 2024 Highlights The South Eastern Europe (SEE) HAEi meeting: PROVIDING BETTER CARE FOR HAE FAMILIES held in Skopje, North Macedonia, 31 May – 1 June gathered representatives (patients, caregivers, and physicians) from 9 countries: Albania, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Slovenia, [...]

News from South Eastern Europe

2024-12-04T10:40:43+01:00December 4, 2024|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey|

From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska It is always exciting to prepare and participate in HAEi’s meetings, but the Global Leadership Workshops that bring so many people connected by HAE in one place is one of the most exhilarating events. There was a large number of interested participants (Member Organization (MO) leads, board members, [...]

News from South Eastern Europe

2024-07-10T11:10:18+02:00July 10, 2024|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey|

From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska In this edition of Global Perspectives, I’m delighted to bring you a detailed report on the SEE HAE Meeting: PROVIDING BETTER CARE FOR HAE FAMILIES held in Skopje, North Macedonia, from 31 May to 1 June. It took us a couple of months to secure funding and implement [...]

News from South Eastern Europe

2024-05-19T08:58:19+02:00May 19, 2024|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey|

From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska I am happy to share that almost all Member Organizations (MO) in the South Eastern Europe (SEE) region expressed their interest in participating in the 2024 HAEi Global Leadership Workshop in Copenhagen this year and applied for travel grants. We are all excited about the opportunity to meet [...]

News from South Eastern Europe

2023-11-10T12:39:01+01:00November 10, 2023|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey|

From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska This summer was not only for taking time to rest and vacation but also for finalizing preparations and facilitating Q&A regarding the 2023 HAEi Regional Conference EMEA with Member Organization leads, individual patients/caregivers, physicians, and pharma representatives. Although I was busy sharing demands for invitation letters for some [...]

News from South Eastern Europe

2022-12-27T13:47:57+01:00December 27, 2022|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey|

From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska According to the representatives from countries in my region, the most important event of 2022 is definitely the HAEi Global Leadership Workshop held in Frankfurt, Germany. There was a lot of positive energy, and it was terrific to meet face to face. All the sessions were excellent, and [...]

News from South Eastern Europe

2022-10-31T14:00:06+01:00October 31, 2022|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Europe, HAEi News, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia|

From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska In the past couple of months, communication with patient representatives and physicians regarding the Global Leadership Workshop has been going on with high intensity.  The support to the patient and physician in Kosovo has continued. HAEi issued a support letter for access to treatment that was sent to [...]

News from South Eastern Europe

2022-04-04T10:17:43+02:00April 4, 2022|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Turkey|

From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska The first preventive treatment started for one boy in North Macedonia, suffering from HAE attacks every four to five days. Thus far, the young patient responds to the new treatment very well, with no breakthrough attacks. HAE Turkey has held a very successful meeting in Denizli with physicians [...]

News from South Eastern Europe

2021-12-30T11:02:03+01:00December 30, 2021|Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey|

From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska In October, I was focused on stirring up the countries’ interest in HAEi resources. I invited patient representatives to a member organization online meeting for my region, where we had an opportunity to discuss the situation regarding access to therapies, new initiatives, challenges etc. in the past period. [...]

News from South Eastern Europe

2021-10-06T09:38:31+02:00October 6, 2021|Croatia, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Montenegro, North Macedonia|

I have informed the patient representatives in my region about the HAE TrackR app and sent them the files for translation. So far, we have the app translated into Serbian and Turkish – and expect to have it available in Macedonian very soon.  HAE Greece has received its registration documents and is now an [...]

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