
News from South Eastern Europe

2024-12-23T10:37:14+01:00December 23, 2024|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey|

News from South Eastern Europe From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska 2024 Highlights The South Eastern Europe (SEE) HAEi meeting: PROVIDING BETTER CARE FOR HAE FAMILIES held in Skopje, North Macedonia, 31 May – 1 June gathered representatives (patients, caregivers, and physicians) from 9 countries: Albania, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Slovenia, [...]

News from South Eastern Europe

2024-12-04T10:40:43+01:00December 4, 2024|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey|

From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska It is always exciting to prepare and participate in HAEi’s meetings, but the Global Leadership Workshops that bring so many people connected by HAE in one place is one of the most exhilarating events. There was a large number of interested participants (Member Organization (MO) leads, board members, [...]

News from South Eastern Europe

2024-07-10T11:10:18+02:00July 10, 2024|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey|

From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska In this edition of Global Perspectives, I’m delighted to bring you a detailed report on the SEE HAE Meeting: PROVIDING BETTER CARE FOR HAE FAMILIES held in Skopje, North Macedonia, from 31 May to 1 June. It took us a couple of months to secure funding and implement [...]

News from South Eastern Europe

2024-05-19T08:58:19+02:00May 19, 2024|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey|

From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska I am happy to share that almost all Member Organizations (MO) in the South Eastern Europe (SEE) region expressed their interest in participating in the 2024 HAEi Global Leadership Workshop in Copenhagen this year and applied for travel grants. We are all excited about the opportunity to meet [...]

News from South Eastern Europe

2023-11-10T12:39:01+01:00November 10, 2023|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey|

From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska This summer was not only for taking time to rest and vacation but also for finalizing preparations and facilitating Q&A regarding the 2023 HAEi Regional Conference EMEA with Member Organization leads, individual patients/caregivers, physicians, and pharma representatives. Although I was busy sharing demands for invitation letters for some [...]

10 year achievements – Romania

2021-10-11T13:28:57+02:00July 9, 2021|10 year achievements, Europe, Regions, Romania|

This input is dated May 2021 >> View content in Romana In brief Name for organization: Romanian Association of Patients with Hereditary Angioedema – HAE Romania 63 members at 1 Jan 2021 Name of approved HAE treatments: Berinert Ruconest Firazyr Cinryze Fun/interesting facts Traditions and authenticity: In [...]

News from Romania

2021-07-05T15:41:38+02:00July 5, 2021|Europe, Romania|

From Vice-President Ana-Maria Bălțătescu, HAE Romania: The celebration of the 10th anniversary of hae day :-) was a national premiere because for the first time an important building in Târgu-Mureș was lit in purple to celebrate the day and to raise awareness about HAE. The building we choose is the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, [...]

News from South Eastern Europe

2021-07-05T14:49:26+02:00July 5, 2021|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Europe, HAEi News, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey|

On 6 March 2021, I was able via Zoom to address the participants at the annual patient meeting in Croatia and congratulate them on their engagement and activities even in a COVID year. I held a meeting with the Cyprus patient group on 25 March 2021, during which I introduced the participants to the [...]

News from Southeastern Europe

2020-07-01T13:59:01+02:00June 29, 2020|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Europe, Greece, HAEi News, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey|

  From Regional Patient Advocate Natasa Angjeleska I have had communication via e-mail with the patient groups and the patient organizations in my region to explain to them the establishing, the aim and the operation of the Regional Advisory Group (RAG) in Southeastern Europe. I requested the nomination of an Advisor from each country and [...]

2019 HAEi Regional Workshop South Eastern Europe

2020-01-03T13:42:20+01:00December 30, 2019|Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey|

By Natasa Angjeleska, Regional Patient Advocate for South Eastern Europe: We successfully managed to realize the fourth regional HAE International South Eastern Europe workshop at the Marriott Hotel in Skopje, North Macedonia 27-29 September 2019. We had 85 participants representing 11 countries from the region, including one guest physician coming from Belarus that expressed interest to join us. The composition of [...]

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