HAE TrackR is HAEi’s proprietary app, designed by and for patients, that provides a user-friendly platform for recording attacks, treatments, emergency room visits, and more.
The objective has always been to provide HAE TrackR in as many languages as needed to accommodate the entire community. The app is now available in Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, English, German, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.
“I am particularly pleased with the fact that HAE TrackR, with its right-to-left language support, is now available to serve our Arabic speaking community. The right-to-left functionality will enable HAE TrackR to be translated into a wide variety of other languages”, says Henrik Balle Boysen, HAEi Executive Vice President and COO.
HAEi is constantly working on delivering features that will help users managing their HAE. The next version of HAE TrackR will improve the reporting functionality and offer a notification feature that reminds the user when a prophylactic treatment is due.
Henrik Balle Boysen continues: “We are very grateful for the support we have from our global HAE community, and we look forward to continue working with you to improve HAE TrackR. If you are interested in helping with the translation of the app to your preferred language, please contact your Regional Patient Advocate.”
HAE TrackR is available at app.haetrackr.org
On haetrackr.org you will find more information about the app including tutorials on how to get started and use the different features of HAE TrackR. From this page you can also start using the app.