From CEO Fiona Wardman, HAE Australasia:
HAE Australasia is excited that the Pharmaceuticals Benefit Advisory Committee in Australia has recommended lanadelumab be listed on the pharmaceuticals benefits scheme (PBS), making this treatment available to patients in Australia. We look forward to this treatment being officially listed towards the end of the year.
HAE Australasia is involved in some significant and exciting projects. One of these is the rolling out of the pharmaco and socioeconomic survey previously run in the UK, the USA, and the Nordic countries. The survey questions have been adapted to suit the health system and settings within New Zealand and Australia. Once ethics approval has been received, we look forward to as many patients and family members taking part as possible.
HAE Australasia has been organizing patient and carers conferences for Australia and New Zealand. We have been fortunate to be able to utilize the HAEi Event Zoo platform for these meetings. Event Zoo has been a great way to keep our conferences organized and updated. Unfortunately, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, both the Australian and New Zealand patient and carers conferences have been postponed. We plan to hold the Australian meeting in November and the New Zealand conference in February 2022.
We are also excited that the virtual angioedema center project is taking shape. Our center doctors and nurses are now in the testing phase, and we hope to roll out this fantastic initiative very soon. More information to come!
Our patients have been notified of the HAE TrackR app, and many are making good use of this handy and easy to use tool.
HAE Australasia welcomes Kate to our team as the administrative assistant to the CEO and CFO. Kate is a welcome addition to our active patient group.
HAE Australasia is ten years old! We are so proud that our organization has been around for such a significant amount of time and achieving so many substantial milestones improving the lives of people living with HAE in Australia and New Zealand.