From Regional Patient Advocate Michal Rutkowski:

HAE Belarus organized the annual summit on 26 October 2019 in the Belarusian Research Center for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology in Borovlyany, Minsk region. The meeting gathered approximately 40 participants: patients, caregivers, physicians and pharmaceuticals’ representatives from Takeda Belarus. I had the pleasure of attending the meeting and to present the ‘Achievements and Perspectives of the HAE International and its Value for Eastern European HAE Communities’. The conference was extremely informative and useful for the patients.

The Belarusian patients’ organization has been working very hard to ensure access to HAE medicines, and just recently I have been informed that they successfully initiated the tender, which results in the reception of numerous doses of C1-INH for pediatric HAE patients. It is a phenomenal success that could not have happened without work and dedication of Viktar Lebedz and Dr Irina Guryanova.