The pharmacy, distribution and patient management organization Optime Care is pleased to recognize hae day :-) and celebrate the 10th anniversary of an awareness campaign that unites the HAE community.

“Access to innovative therapies that can improve quality of life is critical for people with rare diseases like HAE,” says Donovan Quill, President and CEO, Optime Care. “We are proud to be partnering with BioCryst to help bring the first oral, once-daily prophylaxis medicine to members of the HAE community. This year, Optime Care is sharing care coordinator testimonials about their experience working with HAE patients.”


  • “My life has been touched in so many ways by the patients I have had over the years, but never quite the way that my HAE patients have. They motivate and encourage me, and they have helped me grow into the best care coordinator I can be.” – Liz, Care Coordinator, Optime Care
  • “Hearing a patient say I’ve taken a burden off their shoulders or how much they appreciate the efforts I put in is amazing. Patients have reported being able to regularly see their facial features now or being attack-free for the first time in their lives. I am so grateful to be a part of this change.” – Rochelle, Care Coordinator, Optime Care

(Source: Optime Care)