Asociaţia Pacienţilor cu Angioedem Ereditar din România

  ·  Romania  ·  Europe

On this page we have pulled together presently available information relevant for HAE patients and caregivers in Romania.

HAE online in Romania

Visit us on Facebook

Visit our website

10 year achievements

As HAEi celebrated the 10th hae day :-) in 2021 we asked our Member Organisations tell us about the achievements of the past 10 years and their hopes for the future.

Click here to read about Romania’s achievements and hopes for the future

News and events

*, *
– Language: All

Mar 7, 2025 - Mar 9, 2025 at All Day

Local contacts

Sebastian Banc


Natasa Angjeleska
Regional Patient Advocate – South Eastern Europe


HAE in Romania

Available medication in Romania:

  • Ruconest
  • Berinert
  • Firazyr (Icatibant)
  • Cinryze

HAE Places in Romania

  • Hospital - Tîrgu-Mureş, Romania

    Spitalul Clinic Judeţean Mureş (Hospital)
  • HAE Romania

    Asociaţia Pacienţilor cu Angioedem Ereditar din România (HAE Romania) (Member Organization)
  • Physician - Târgu Mureș, Romania

    Dr. Noemi-Anna Bara (Physician)
  • ACARE Center - Sângeorgiu de Mureș, Romania

    Centrul Clinic MediQuest (ACARE Center)

HAE Emergency Cards in local languages

The HAE Emergency Card contains clear and simple information about HAE and treatment required during an attack. It also contains space for patients to add personal information such as emergency contact details and their specialist treatment center.

The Emergency Card has been translated into a number of languages and can help you to quickly and effectively let healthcare professionals know that you have a diagnosis of HAE and what treatment should be considered.

>> Find examples of the cards in multiple languages and download for free

HAE related topics that might interest you

Global Perspectives

Magazine with timely information on the issues, activities, and events that are relevant to the global HAE community

HAEi Advocacy Academy

Courses, advocacy training, and tools to support people living with HAE and becoming an HAE advocate

HAEi Connect Member database

Free, secure online membership database and communications platform for HAEi’s member organizations

HAE Companion app

Access to HAEi’s emergency card in many languages and ACARE Centers, HAE knowledgeable hospitals and physicians

Stay tuned – sign up for our newsletter


HAEi hosted websites

Hosting of your national website or help for you to create a new website – naturally all in your native language

HAE TrackR app

Easy-to-use electronic diary of HAE treatments (preventative and on-demand), HAE attacks, and the impact HAE has on life