HAEi Virtual Regional Workshops
Regional Workshops Going Virtual
HAEi organizes advocacy events dedicated to patients, caregivers, and physicians working in the areas of HAE awareness, diagnosis, treatment, and access and reimbursement of HAE medicine. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, our last 4 Regional Workshops were held virtually. We asked each Region’s Member Organizations for feedback after their Virtual Workshop and are delighted to report that our virtual workshops were a huge success even though we couldn’t meet in person!
Using the links below, you can explore the videos recorded by the advocacy leaders and experts in the 4 Virtual Regional Workshops.
Our Member Organizations feedback
96% agreed or strongly agreed that their regional workshop provided specific ideas they could use in advocacy and provided information useful to the needs of their HAE community
96% would watch and would recommend that their members watch Regional Workshop videos in the future
2021 HAEi Virtual Regional Workshop Middle East, North Africa and Sub Sahara Africa
Launching date: 1 October 2021, 12.00 CET
Tracks: Welcome, HAEi, Member Organizations, Youngsters, Experts
All videos have been recorded in the native language of the speaker – English, French or Arabic – and are subtitled in these three languages
2021 HAEi Virtual Regional Workshop South America & Mexico and Central America & Caribbean
Launching date: 25 March 2021, 14.00 CET
Tracks: Welcome, HAEi, Member Organizations, Youngsters, Experts
All videos have been recorded in the native language of the speaker – Spanish, Portuguese or English – and are subtitled in these three languages
2020 HAEi Virtual Regional Workshop Central Eastern Europe & Benelux
Launching date: 12 December 2020, 12.00 CET
Tracks: Welcome, HAEi, Patients, Youth/children, Experts
All recordings have translation and subtitles in English and languages of the region – 11 in total: English, Armenian, Czech, Dutch, French, Georgian, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Lithuanian, Slovak
2020 HAEi Virtual Regional Workshop South Eastern Europe
Launching date: 13 November 2020, 12.00 CET
Tracks: Welcome, HAEi, Patients, Youth/children, Physicians, Experts
All recordings have translation and subtitles in English and languages of the region – 8 in total: English, Macedonian, Turkish, Serbian, Romanian, Greek, Bulgarian and Albanian
HAE related topics that might interest you
Global Perspectives
Magazine with timely information on the issues, activities, and events that are relevant to the global HAE community
HAEi Advocacy Academy
Courses, advocacy training, and tools to support people living with HAE and becoming an HAE advocate
HAEi Connect Member database
Free, secure online membership database and communications platform for HAEi’s member organizations
HAE Companion app
Access to HAEi’s emergency card in many languages and ACARE Centers, HAE knowledgeable hospitals and physicians
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