
News from Asia Pacific and South Africa

2023-11-14T16:01:31+01:00November 10, 2023|Afghanistan, Australia, Australia/Oceania, Bangladesh, East & Southeast Asia, HAEi News, India, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Asia, South Korea|

From Regional Patient Advocate Fiona Wardman The countries I look after in the Asia Pacific region have reduced due to HAEi’s newest RPA, Yong Hao Lim, taking them over. Yong Hao now looks after Eastern Asia - the countries included in his region are Singapore, Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka. You can [...]


2024-01-08T09:57:28+01:00January 31, 2023|

HAE Afghanistan Afghanistan  ·  South Asia On this page we have pulled together presently available information relevant for HAE patients and caregivers in Afghanistan. HAE online in Afghanistan Visit us on Facebook Visit regional [...]

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