Sri Lanka

News from Eastern Asia

2024-07-11T12:02:13+02:00July 11, 2024|China, East & Southeast Asia, HAEi News, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Asia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan|

From Regional Patient Advocate Lim Yong Hao The month of May holds special significance for the HAE community as hae day :-) is on 16 May. As a relatively new regional patient advocate (RPA), I was eager to see how to use this opportunity to bring the patient community closer and to raise awareness [...]

News from Eastern Asia

2024-05-03T10:06:36+02:00May 3, 2024|China, East & Southeast Asia, HAEi News, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Asia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan|

From Regional Patient Advocate Lim Yong Hao The new year is a natural juncture for reflecting on the year that has just ended and thinking about the prospects for the year ahead. I was very fortunate to end 2023 on a high note with an invitation to speak on patient advocacy at the LeadHAE [...]

News from Eastern Asia

2023-11-10T12:44:12+01:00November 10, 2023|China, East & Southeast Asia, HAEi News, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Asia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan|

From Regional Patient Advocate Lim Yong Hao I began my official Regional Patient Advocate (RPA) journey in June of this year, taking on the responsibility of supporting the countries and Member Organizations in the Eastern Asia region, including China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, from Fiona. It was a daunting [...]

News from Asia Pacific

2021-10-06T09:40:59+02:00October 6, 2021|Australia, Australia/Oceania, China, East & Southeast Asia, HAEi News, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, South Asia, Sri Lanka|

Happy birthday to HAE Hong Kong! Congratulations to the team at HAE Hong Kong for their 2nd year of dedication to improving the quality of life for patients in Hong Kong. During the last few months, I have participated in meetings with various pharmaceutical companies to move forward access to modern therapies in the [...]

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